When the time comes that you need a helping hand, your options for aged care help include in-home services or residential care. Your GP can help you decide what level of care you may need and is likely to recommend a free assessment with an Aged Care Assessment Team/ Service (ACAT or ACAS). This assessment is required before you can access any government-subsidised services, which may include residential care or in-home services such as domestic assistance, personal care, meal services and home nursing.
While you may not need aged care services right now, it’s a good idea to consider your options and discuss your preferences with your family. With an agreed plan in place, you can be confident that the best decisions will be made at the appropriate time. Without some forward planning, fewer options may be available to you when you need them most.
Your financial health is important, too
One of the key considerations of planning ahead for your aged care is looking at financial strategies to ensure you have sufficient cash flow to cover the projected costs. Just some of the important issues that may need to be considered include:
- Should your family home be kept, sold or rented?
- How are your Centrelink or Veterans’ Affairs benefits affected?
- Do you – or could you – qualify for concessions on accommodation or home care services?
- What is the best way to pay for your care?
What effect may your plans have on your estate?
- How do you best manage any tax implications?
Searching for services?
a comprehensive government resource to help find the care that’s right for you
ACAT/ACAS 1800 200 422
free aged care assessment is required before you can access government subsidised services